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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Pantry/Laundry Room Ideas

I've been looking at my pantry/laundry room, well, maybe not looking, avoiding looking, ignoring...and thinking that something must be done. I have hoarder tendencies inherited from the past two generations that I try desperately to fight. Sometimes it is a losing battle, but other times I pull up my big girl panties and get going.

Unfortunately, being an only child. I have some control issues. I must plan things out so that they work out exactly how I want them. So, my head is spinning with ideas. I would like to work on my pantry, but spend very little money. I guess I should tell you, our pantry/laundry room/mudroom/dog room is a pretty good size. This is great and not great. It is awesome to have so much room. It is not awesome when you use it as a catch all. I will add some pictures of it in all it's glory exactly as it is now. The embarassment this causes may prod me to get started.

Being an only child list maker, here is what needs to get done:
  1. Remove all items from the room.
  2. Lighten the load by getting rid of unused, outdated, items.
  3. Paint.
  4. Add a utility sink or cabinet with sink. Not sure yet. I'll check out the Habit for Humanity Restore, Craigslist, etc. and see what we can find there. A cabinet would be nice to hide the detergent and softener bottles.
  5. Add a counter top over my washer and dryer. Currently, I have nowhere to fold my laundry except on top of the w/d.
  6. Add some sort of broom closet and maybe some shelves/cabinets for beach and kitchen towels that are stored there.
  7. Flooring. This should maybe come first, but it may not be in the budget. The linoleum that is in there is gross.
  8. Some sort of cubby area to contain the dog crate and thereby containing the dog hair that our Golden Retriever, Breckin leaves floating around on an hourly basis.
  9. Do something with the nasty wire shelving. I found this and think it would be an easy, inexpensive solution at where she used a drop cloth and linoleum tiles to make those wire shelves look better. See:
  10. Baskets to organize pantry items.
  11. Decorative items.
Okay, now that I write this down, I am exhausted.

I vow to at least get started with the one thing that will cost me nothing. Getting rid of the junk and unneeded pantry items in there. Maybe moving things that don't belong there to their rightful places would help too. I walk into the room and I find tools, hats, etc. there. This will definitely take a while! Hmmm, maybe I should wait until winter when we have to be inside more???? It's tempting.

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